How to get over emotional attachment to your things

How to get over emotional attachment to your things

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

How attached are you to the things you own?

How attached are you to the things you own? We're not talking about the items that give you joy and warmth, like a favorite stuffed animal or a book from childhood. Instead, how about some of those extra kitchen gadgets that are sitting in a drawer or closet collecting dust?

Or maybe it's old clothes that just don't fit right anymore. These things represent literal weight on your life—and they're not doing anything for you!

The value of sanity

When you’ve let go of your emotional attachment to the things in your life, you start to see that there are many other ways to reduce stress and feel more relaxed. You can focus on what's important, spend time with people who matter most to you and have fun doing the things that bring joy into your life.

Get Real With Your Stuff

Humans are not built to manage the amount of stuff we all have accumulated. Think about all of your stuff for a minute:

  • How much does it cost to maintain and store it?
  • How much space does it take up?
  • Have I used it/worn it in the last 6 months?
  • Are you spending more time managing your stuff than working on your hobbies?
  • Are you just holding onto it because you spent money on it?

    More often than not, it's time to let go.

What does the clutter represent to you now?

You can start to change the way you feel about your stuff by asking yourself what each item represents to you.

If an object doesn't have any special significance (it's just a lamp), what would happen if we removed it from your life?

How will your life improve when you remove this piece of clutter?

How valuable might it be for someone else who could appreciate and use it more than you do?

You may find that getting rid of things makes room in your life for better things—like more space, time, money and relationships with people who matter most to us!

We Help You Get Real Value From Your Stuff

The next time you feel an emotional attachment to something, remember to ask yourself what space it's taking up in your life.

If you're looking to detach from jewelry, diamonds, coins, etc. that are no longer serving you, stop in for a free appraisal at Gold Rush Exchange in Fairfield, Ohio.

Absolutely no pressure to sell if you're not ready. Sometimes it's comforting just to know it's value outside of your home.
